Episode 51 – Raising an Intuitive Eater

We are all born intuitive eaters, but continuing on with that intuitive eating mentality can sometimes be difficult with pervasive diet culture shoved in our face at all times.  We as parents have a unique responsibility; we get the pleasure of guiding our children through the fun and delicious world of food, from about six months and really as long as they are alive. Our kids listen to us, they watch our own cues, and are tuned into our own relationship with food. They ask us for food, have us prepare their food and allow us to help mold their love for food from the moment they are born.  It’s our job to instill in them a positive relationship with food and keep them intuitive eaters as long as possible. Today we will provide some helpful tips on raising an intuitive eater and talk about what we’ve learned in the 5+ years we have been mamas.  No, we haven’t been perfect, we are still learning, but join us as we talk through our experiences thus far.

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Resources and Show Notes

Today’s episode is sponsored by The Dinner Spark!

Intuitive Eating Website

Overnight Oats (Gina’s new favorite recipe): 1/2 oats, 1/2 cup milk of your choice, 1 T chia seeds, peanut butter or whatever else you want!  Mix wall in a cup and leave in fridge overnight.

Crazy Richard’s Peanut Butter (Gina’s new favorite product)

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