Episode 24 – Whole30: Two Registered Dietitian’s Thoughts

Whole30 is a popular diet that promotes a “short-term nutrition reset, designed to help you put an end to unhealthy cravings and habits, restore a healthy metabolism, heal your digestive tract, and balance your immune system”. Having experimented with Whole30, together we have a high-level discussion of both the merits and pitfalls of the plan — the nutrition side AND the practical side. We will break it down and leave you with some food for thought (pun intended).

Resources/Show Notes

Nicole’s review of Whole30

Whole30 Expert Reviews (includes RDs)

Best Diets 2019 (Mediterranean, Flexitarian, DASH)

6 Things You Need to Know Before Trying Whole30 written by Jaclyn London, MS, RD, CDN

Whole30 Resources (we like the info on sneaky sugars!)