Episode 19 – Fruits and Vegetables; Making Them a Normal Part of Your Family’s Diet

Fruits and vegetables are the two food groups that have never wavered in terms of their benefits.  No matter who you ask or what you read; they are good for us, and that’s undeniable.  Today we discuss the importance of fruits and vegetables and share some practical tips for including them in your and your family’s diet.  Have a choosy eater at home? No problem, we’ve been there and we’ve got you covered!

Show Notes and Resources

Find out how many cups of fruits and vegetables you and your kids need!

Tips to Help Kids Enjoy Fruits and Vegetables

Hand Held Spiralizer  (use to make spiraled veggies)

Spiralizer attachment for KitchenAid

Cooking with Paige, by Gina Forster (kid’s story book with recipes!)

İn Season Produce Guide


Butternut Squash Lasagna Recipe

Grilled Eggplant with Tomatoes and Feta (try starting with just the grilled eggplant portion of this recipe for your kids, you might be surprised!)

Infused water; grab some basil and cucumber (or cucumber and pineapple or cantaloupe!), chop it and throw it in 4 cups of water (I generally do about 1 cup food:4 cups liquid) and allow it to sit in the fridge overnight.  In the morning enjoy a refreshing beverage to get you going.

Broccoli Quinoa Pizza Crust (Recipe)

Adventures in Veggieland; Help your Kids Learn to Love Vegetables (Over 100 Recipes)

Slow Cooker Summer Chicken Chili