Episode 11 – Detoxes, Juicing, and Cleanses

Detoxes, juicing, and cleanses are gaining popularity. Hear our dietitian input as to the pros and cons surrounding each of these popular nutrition crazes. You may be surprised to learn what we have to say! Plus, loads of ideas on how to add protein and fat to your favorite smoothie combinations.

Resources/Show Notes

Conscious Cleanse

Juice vs. Smoothies- Benefits

Supercharge your smoothie!

Today’s Dietitian Article; Juicing and Detoxes

From the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics; ways to naturally detox

Gina’s Avocado Smoothie: 1 avocado, crushed ice, milk of your choice (I use Unsweetened Almond Milk), a scoop of peanut butter or almond butter, a dash of maple syrup (optional; unsweetened cocoa powder, chia, oats, ground flax)