Episode 5 – Pass the Ketchup! (Picky Eaters)

No matter how hard you try to promote healthy and adventurous eating in your household, having a child who is picky or choosy is sometimes inevitable. Today we dish about pickiness and the feeding styles that might be best for rearing intuitive and confident eaters.

Resources/Show Notes

General advice: https://www.realmomnutrition.com/picky-eaters/

Styles: https://www.cnn.com/2018/10/04/health/parenting-food-drayer/index.html

Extreme Picky Eaters: https://www.realmomnutrition.com/5-common-problems-at-the-root-of-extreme-picky-eating/

When it’s a texture problem: http://www.momables.com/picky-eaters-a-texture-problem/

WSJ, article about the slow progression of the Picky American Child!: https://www.wsj.com/articles/the-making-of-the-picky-eater-11547222243?fbclid=IwAR2ZiIl2A-GMLI65sF9HtvGisKOvG75g9fxrF2WJiMBZefF3e8l32QjEk_g

Disclaimer: The views on this podcast are for general information only and are not meant to substitute advice from your medical professionals.